Housing Contract
2024-25 Barnard Housing Contract
- The Housing Contract is signed electronically when students apply for housing on the Barnard Housing Portal.
- Students who are 16 years old or younger at the time of signing must also submit a signed copy of the Housing Contract including a parent or guardian's signature.
The Housing Contract is a legal agreement between you and Barnard ("Barnard" or "College") and contains important terms and conditions about your rights and responsibilities while living in College housing. The Contract contains provisions that impose financial obligations and/or other responsibilities and/or penalties should you fail to fulfill your obligations. Please read the Housing Contract carefully.
By signing, I acknowledge having read and accept all terms & conditions of this housing contract. I understand that violations of these terms & conditions may result in termination of this contract, loss of housing privileges, repair or replacement costs, fines, and/or other disciplinary actions.
1. Terms and Conditions
The following terms and conditions for residence in Barnard College housing apply to all Barnard College, Columbia University, and visiting students residing in Barnard College housing during the 2024-25 academic year. The Contract period begins when a student signs the Housing Contract and ends when the residence halls close at the conclusion of the 2024-25 academic year in accordance with the Residential Life calendar (lqqqhuanbao.com/reslife/calendar).
All references herein are to Barnard College offices or personnel, and "BC" or "College" refers to Barnard College, unless noted. "RL&H" refers to Residential Life and Housing. "CU," "Columbia," and "University" refer to Columbia University. “Contract” refers to this Housing Contract.
BC students living in CU residence halls and CU students living in BC residence halls as part of the BC/CU Housing Exchange are subject to the terms and conditions of both the Barnard and Columbia Housing Contracts.
The Contract does not constitute a lease and is not subject to New York State landlord-tenant laws; it confers a limited and revocable license to occupy College housing. This license can be revoked by Barnard College as outlined in the Contract.
The College uses Barnard email to communicate to students regarding all official matters (or the Columbia LionMail account for CU students living in Barnard residence halls). Residents are expected to check their account regularly for notifications and communicate with RL&H using their College email account.
College housing may be directly affected by NYC Local Law 11 required façade renovation, including (but not limited to) demolition, construction, and other noise-producing work. While the College will take measures to minimize the impact of required work initiated by the College, residents must be prepared to accept the unavoidable inconveniences of private, city, state, or federal-initiated work which may take place in close proximity to College housing.
2. Eligibility
Only full-time registered matriculated students of the College and approved visiting students who are in good financial and disciplinary standing may occupy College housing. Students who are approved for part-time enrollment or who begin the Columbia portion of a 4+1 or 3+2 dual-degree program are not eligible for College housing. Some Columbia students may be eligible for College housing, provided they meet the requirements for the BC/CU Housing Exchange as defined by both the College and the University.
Eligibility for residence does not amount to a guarantee of housing. Continuing students eligible for the Room Selection process must meet all deadlines for assignment to rooms. Incoming first-year students and students in the Visiting International Student Program (VISP) must meet all deadlines for submitting a housing application. Housing assignments for students in non-Guaranteed application categories (including, but not limited to, incoming Transfer and Visiting students, students returning after a leave of absence, non-residential students not living in campus housing, and students who did not take part in Room Selection) depend on the availability of space in College housing. Room assignments for approved CARDS accommodations depend on available space. Approval for an accommodation does not guarantee the availability of campus housing for non-guaranteed applicants.
Students may lose eligibility to apply for or to maintain occupancy in College housing due to disciplinary action or non-payment of charges to the College.
3. Occupancy Period
A resident's right to occupancy shall begin no earlier than the first day the residence halls are open for each semester, with such dates and times to be announced prior to the beginning of each semester. Students must check in no later than 5pm on the first day of classes. Failure to do so may result in the loss of room assignment; however, the Contract will remain in full force and effect, including all financial obligations. All requests for late check-in (after 5 pm on the first day of classes) must be submitted in writing to RL&H prior to the start of the semester check-in period.
The residence halls are closed at the end of the Fall and Spring semesters. Residents must fully vacate their rooms by the published deadlines.
Only residents with assignments for both the Fall and Spring semesters and in good financial and disciplinary standing with the College are permitted to leave personal belongings in their room over Winter Break.
The College reserves the right to determine if the residence halls will be open during the Winter Break. Students will be notified when the determination is made.
4. Room Assignments and Occupancy
This Contract is for a housing space in the residence halls, not a specific room or bed. The Contract remains in full effect in the event of a room change. Although every effort is made to honor requests for a specific room, roommate, and/or residence hall, space limitations and high demand for specific halls and room types may prevent honoring all requests. Any of the occupants, furnishings, features, capacity, and configuration of the resident's assigned room and/or suite shall be made by the College and may be changed by the College at any time, at its sole discretion. The College reserves the right to reassign residents or consolidate rooms in the interest of order, safety, health, discipline, disaster, and best use of facilities for the good of the College community. The College will not discriminate in room assignments or room changes on the basis of membership in a protected class, including but not limited to: race, color, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin, age, pregnancy, disability, socioeconomic status, dietary preferences, or sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.
Most rooms and residence halls require shared occupancy. Residents are expected to communicate and live cooperatively. Room changes will typically not be considered as an effective form of conflict resolution and residents are expected to meaningfully engage in mediation if/when conflicts arise. Only in extreme cases will the College consider a room change to resolve a conflict outside of the Room Change/Swap Request periods. In addition, if mediation efforts are not successful, the College reserves the right to reassign any resident to address instances of significant and disruptive incompatibility of roommates. The decision to permit a room change is in the sole discretion of the College.
Any resident with a vacancy in their room must keep the space open and ready for assignment at any time. The College has the right to assign a student to a vacancy at any time and reserves the right to move any possessions that may block a newly assigned resident from moving in. Residents who fail to keep a vacant space free of their possessions will be subject to disciplinary action and will be charged for any costs involved in having these items moved. Residents who discourage or fail to accept occupancy by another assigned resident, through (but not limited to) verbal or physical intimidation or creating an atmosphere of discomfort, will be subject to disciplinary action that may include relocation, fines, additional rent, and/or termination of their assignment or Contract.
At all times only the resident shall occupy the assigned space. Under no circumstances may a resident move to a different room without prior approval by the College; nor may residents exchange or lend keys to another individual, sublet their room, or provide regular housing to any other person(s). Residents may not duplicate keys. Keys and/or access to a room/suite will not be provided to anyone other than the assigned resident(s). No commercial business operation, solicitation, sales, marketing, or advertising may be conducted from the resident's assigned room or other campus location and/or using College resources, including (but not limited to) Internet access.
5. Disability Housing Requests and Accommodations
Students with diagnosed disabilities and/or medical conditions who seek a housing accommodation must submit a request to CARDS (Center for Accessibility Resources & Disability Services), including supporting medical documentation, following the published priority deadlines. Students should consult with CARDS staff if needs arise beyond the published deadlines or to review their needs and the accommodation request process.
Disability housing accommodation requests must be made for each academic year. Accommodations are not automatically extended from one academic year to the next. Students seeking a disability housing accommodation must submit a new disability housing accommodation request and provide updated medical documentation for each academic year, summer, and/or after returning from a leave of absence.
Room assignments for approved accommodations depend on available space. Approval for an accommodation does not guarantee the availability of campus housing for non-guaranteed applicants.
6. Meal Plans Requirements
All Barnard residential students are required to participate in a Barnard meal plan. All First Year residents in College housing (regardless of residence hall assignment) are required to enroll in the Platinum Meal Plan. Upperclass residents with room assignments on floors 2-8 of Brooks, Hewitt, Reid, Sulzberger residence halls are required (at minimum) to enroll in the Flex 150 Meal Plan. Unless residents choose to change to an available meal plan before the Meal Plan Change deadline each semester, the College will automatically enroll the student in a default meal plan determined by their assigned housing location and/or class year. For more information about meal plans and required enrollments, please visit lqqqhuanbao.com/bursar/meal-plan-faq.
7. Room Charge and Billing
The College establishes room charges for the academic year. BC students living in CU housing as part of the Housing Exchange are billed the Barnard room rate and are responsible for payment to Barnard. CU students living in BC housing are responsible for housing payment directly to Columbia. CU students will, however, be responsible for payment directly to the College for any damage and/or cleaning fines, key replacements or lock changes, approved early move-in or extension fees, and/or interim housing charges incurred by their occupancy in Barnard housing.
Tuition, room, board, and all other fees are payable semiannually in advance, one-half by the deadlines started by the College; failure to make full payment for the Fall and/or Spring semester by those dates will result in forfeiture of existing assigned space; however, this Contract remains in force. Students who have failed to make timely payment of tuition, room, board, and all other fees and are not planning to live in campus housing are advised to act promptly to cancel the Housing Contract to limit cancellation fees. All students who have signed a Housing Contract are bound by its terms and continue to be responsible for room charges unless and until the Housing Cancellation Form is submitted and campus housing is vacated and keys returned, if applicable (see “Cancellation of Contract by Resident” below).
In all events, no student will be allowed to move into or occupy any housing until all College fees are paid in the time and manner established by the College.
8. Non-payment or Delinquent Accounts Policy
Failure to pay outstanding balances as required may be cause for removal from College housing or for such other action as may be determined appropriate by the College. The College may refer a student's delinquent account to credit bureaus and/or a collection agency. When referred to a collection agency, students are responsible for paying the collection agency fee which may be based on a percentage at a maximum of 28% of the delinquent account, together with all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, interest, penalties, and court fees the College incurs in the collection of any delinquent account.
This policy applies to all charges assessed by the College. This policy applies to all students and all are required to abide by all terms and conditions. For students younger than the applicable age of majority when executing this agreement, they agree that the educational services provided by Barnard College are a necessity and they are contractually obligated.
Charges are assessed by the College and will be billed to the resident's Bursar account. Failure to pay such charges may be cause for refusal to permit registration or for such other action as may be determined appropriate by the College until sums owed are paid in full. The policy regarding the referral of delinquent accounts for collection also applies to damages and expenses. Any appeal of said charges must be submitted in writing by the resident within 14 days of the charge being posted to the resident's account.
9. Cancellation of Contract by Resident
Once the Housing Contract is signed and a housing assignment has been made or guaranteed to the student (whichever occurs first), the student is financially bound to the Contract through the end of the academic year. Residents are not entitled to a release from their Contract because they have been reassigned to another room or inconvenienced by construction, renovation, or maintenance. Residents who fail to occupy their assigned room or who vacate housing during the Contract period without submitting the Housing Cancellation Form will be liable for the full amount of their housing charges per the terms of the signed Contract.
Residents must submit the Housing Cancellation Form to request a release from the financial obligation of the Contract. Residents who cancel housing and/or take a leave of absence from the College must vacate College housing within 48 hours. Residents who fail to vacate housing on a timely basis shall be subject to additional fees and/or disciplinary action.
Depending on the effective cancellation date and type of cancellation request, cancellation fees may apply. Depending on the individual circumstances of a Housing Contract cancellation, the semester or academic year housing charge may not be prorated or refunded.
The Housing Cancellation Form, deadlines, procedures for check-out, fees, and prorated refund schedules are available at lqqqhuanbao.com/reslife/cancellations.
10. Termination of Contract by the College
The College, in its sole and absolute discretion, shall have the right to reassign a resident or cancel a Contract at any time when in the best interest of the residential community, including in the interest of safety, order, health, maximum use of facilities, or disaster; or, when a resident:
- Ceases to be a full-time registered student at Barnard or Columbia due to voluntary or required withdrawal or failure to register by the first Friday of the Fall and/or Spring semester;
- Fails to fulfill their responsibilities under the Contract;
- Infringes on the rights of others;
- Puts at risk their own life or the lives of others;
- Damages the property of others;
- Fail to pay charges by the College's deadlines;
- Fails to occupy the assigned space on a full-time basis;
- Violates terms of the Contract or other College policies; or
- Is subject to judicial action by a court.
The College may impose an interim suspension of a student's right to access housing pending College disciplinary or judicial action.
In the event of Contract termination or housing suspension, rooms must be vacated within 48 hours. In circumstances of a health or safety emergency, the immediate vacation of College housing may be required.
Residents whose Contracts are terminated by the College may remain financially liable for the full academic year housing charge.
In the event that the College is unable to perform its obligations under this Contract as a result of Force Majeure, it shall not be liable to the student for direct or consequential damages resulting from lack of performance. "Force Majeure" shall mean fires, earthquakes, floods, acts of God, strikes, work stoppages or other labor disturbances, riots or civil commotions, acts of terrorism or other hostilities, litigation, war or other act of any foreign nation, power of government or governmental agency or authority, epidemics, pandemics or any other cause like or unlike any cause above mentioned which is beyond the control of either party.
11. Condition of Premises
By taking occupancy of the assigned space, the resident accepts its condition "as is" at such time and assumes responsibility to maintain the space (and any common areas in which the assigned space is located) and room furnishings and fixtures in a clean, safe, and undamaged condition at all times. Rooms are furnished with a bed, mattress, desk, chair, and dresser / closet space for each resident. Residents are expected to review and sign the Room Condition Report Form (RCR) to confirm the condition of their room upon arrival; if residents fail to complete an RCR their room will be assumed to be without missing items or damage.
Residents are responsible for cleaning their assigned space, removing waste materials regularly, placing recyclable materials in designated containers, and maintaining satisfactory sanitation and safety standards as determined by the College. Common areas (e.g. suite or floor kitchens, bathrooms, lounges) are the responsibility of all members in that area, and all residents assigned to that area are jointly responsible for cleaning and maintaining them. Students assigned to a suite will be responsible for cleaning their shared kitchen space and/or bathroom(s).
Residents may not make any alterations or additions to the structure or mechanical and electrical systems of their assigned space or other College location, including (but not limited to) painting, installation, or fastening of items, or display of signs or banners.
The resident shall reimburse the College for all damages or expenses which the College may suffer or incur for repair or excessive cleaning of any residence hall, or for repair or replacement of College provided furnishings, fixtures, and/or equipment (e.g. smoke detectors), caused by the misconduct or neglect of the resident and/or of their guests.
Any damages or expenses incurred in a room or facility within the residence halls will be charged equally to all residents of that room/suite or users of that facility unless the responsible person(s) assume specific liability.
Residents are required to submit a Facilities Work Order to report any room concerns to the Barnard Facilities office for immediate repair. Failure to do so leaves the resident responsible for any cleaning, repair, and/or replacement costs.
12. Vacate Procedures
Residents shall vacate their assigned space, complete a Check-Out Envelope at their residence hall front desk to return all issued keys, and submit the Confirm Check-Out Form on the Housing Portal by the end of the Contract period (or immediately upon cancellation or termination of this Contract). Failure to check out as prescribed may result in a fine, key replacement and/or lock change fees, and/or disciplinary action. Please note that vacating housing without also submitting the Housing Cancellation Form does not constitute a cancellation of this Contract.
Upon vacating an assigned space, the resident is responsible for returning their room and/or suite to a condition suitable for another person to occupy (broom swept, cleared of personal items, and furnishings reset to a standard position). Failure to return the vacated space to an acceptable condition shall result in cleaning and/or damage charges to the resident. Any personal items left by the resident after their deadline to vacate will be considered abandoned and shall be disposed of by the College and the resident shall be charged for any disposal costs.
The College reserves the right to change the locks and/or not allow access to the resident's room or residence hall in cases when a resident has not vacated by the required deadline.
Residents shall be responsible for all costs and direct or indirect damages suffered by the College in connection with a failure to check out and/or vacate by the stated deadline.
13. Limitation of Liability
The College assumes no responsibility for injury to persons, or loss of or damage to items of personal property that occur in its buildings or on its grounds, prior to, during, or subsequent to the period of this Contract. The College strongly encourages all residents to secure renters' insurance or ensure that their belongings are covered under an existing insurance policy (such as a family homeowner's insurance policy). For more information, please visit lqqqhuanbao.com/reslife/renters-insurance.
14. Resident Liability
Residents assume full liability for any loss or damage to the property of the College or others in the community that may be caused by their behavior or actions, including the behavior or actions of their guests.
15. Governing Laws and Venue
All disputes regarding the construction, interpretation, and the parties' obligations under this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York, notwithstanding any of that state's laws to the contrary. The venue and jurisdiction for the resolution of any such disputes shall be in the State or Federal courts located in the state of New York.
16. Rules and Regulations
All residents are expected to familiarize themselves with and abide by the policies and procedures in the Residence Hall Handbook, as well as all other published College policies. Residents are subject to all federal, state, and local laws.
Possession of prohibited items described in College policies may result in disciplinary action and may be confiscated and/or discarded.
Residents found to be present while a violation is occurring may be considered participants and may be subject to disciplinary action.
Students are permitted allowable visitation by guests, and residents will be held responsible for any policy violations by their guests. Guest policies are available at lqqqhuanbao.com/reslife/policies/guests.
The resident agrees to occupy the space assigned, and not to permit any part of that space to be occupied by any person not duly assigned or authorized in writing by RL&H. Guests who pay rent and/or guests found through Airbnb or similar arrangements are prohibited.
The College reserves the right at any time to terminate, establish, or amend any terms, conditions, policies, and procedures concerning the matters covered herein without prior notice.
The Housing Contact, Residence Hall Handbook, and other College policies in the form posted online on the College's website (lqqqhuanbao.com) are the governing documents and may be revised as needed.
17. Smoke-Free Policy
Barnard is a smoke-free campus: smoking is not permitted on any Barnard property, including residence halls, campus buildings and grounds.
18. Medical Permissions
By accepting residency, the resident agrees that the College and its authorized agents and employees, including RL&H, Primary Care Health Services, and Community Safety staff, may provide or secure medical care in the event of illness or injury that necessitates such care. Medical care may include hospitalization, anesthesia, surgery, and/or other treatment. The resident agrees that the College is not liable for any costs or expenses associated with any medical care provided. The resident acknowledges that in the event of a health or safety emergency the College may release information about the resident to other persons or entities who may need this information to protect the health or safety of the resident or others. Any such disclosures shall be made consistent with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
19. Reserved Rights of the College
The College has delegated to RL&H the responsibility for establishing and enforcing regulations governing conduct of residents within the residence halls. RL&H staff may consult with other College administrators in carrying out this responsibility.
At the discretion of the College, a resident may be subject to certain conditions for continuing residence. This includes, but is not limited to, a change in room assignments or dismissal from College housing for disruptive behavior including, but not limited to, behavior such that a resident cannot adequately take care of their own health and safety in the context of College housing or is a danger to the health and safety of others and/or the community.
The College reserves the right to enter and inspect any room when doing so is necessary for the maintenance of the room or student / resident / guest safety or discipline such as the need to ensure compliance with rules concerning the use of rooms, preservation of clean and sanitary conditions, maintenance, extermination of insects and vermin, fire safety and prevention, compliance with local, state and federal laws or in preparation for upcoming renovation work. Residents may not refuse access to a College employee or contractor required to perform their duties and such refusal may lead to disciplinary action.
The College reserves the right to make changes to the policies governing campus housing to ensure the health and safety of the community. The College reserves the right to make changes to a student's room assignment in order to facilitate a quarantine or isolation as may be required by local, state, or federal guidance or authority or the College. The College reserves the right to remove any student from student housing for non-compliance with any College policy or procedure, including those that may be modified or created without advance notice.
20. Addendum: Minor Residents in College Housing
(Minors are defined as students under the age of 17)
The purpose of this Contract addendum is to make certain that all minor students and their parent/guardian have a clear understanding of the implications of having a minor live in housing at Barnard College. It is important that all involved parties have a shared understanding of how the College views the presence of minors in the residence halls, and how the staff will approach certain issues, should they arise, in this adult environment. As such, this document must be signed and received by RL&H before the minor will be allowed to move on campus.
First, it is our expectation that both the minor and their parent or guardian understand that the minor will be living in an environment that is designed for adult students. College staff, therefore, will not be assuming the role of substitute parents to minors, nor will they monitor minors' behavior or view their choices differently than they would those of residents aged 17 and older.
Secondly, it is our expectation that the minor and their parent or guardian have had a discussion of the realities and potential risks of living away from home in an adult environment, and that they have determined that the minor has the maturity to live and function in this setting. We also expect that the minor is empowered and capable of making day-to-day academic and lifestyle decisions and choices on their own. This is extremely important, as the minor will be held accountable for their actions. Both the parents or guardians and the minor understand that the minor will be subject to and expected to comply with the same College policies as residents who are 17 and older.
If the student is an emancipated minor, the minor may sign and submit the Contract and this addendum without the signature of a parent/guardian, but a copy of the court documents that corroborate their emancipated status must be on file with the College.